1 min read

Being Thankful Really Hits Home

Being Thankful Really Hits Home

It's days like today that we're thankful just to be home.

The leaves we rake, the gutters we clean, the windows we wash, the firewood we collect, the bills we pay, and the mortgage we meet—all are reasons to be thankful because it means we have a roof over our head and a place to stay warm at night.

Home is everything to us because it remains a symbol of so much we have to be thankful for. It's where we first learn how to walk, how to dream, how to work, how to grow, and how to love. It's where we gather as family and where we celebrate as friends.

As millions of Americans spend this holiday finding new reasons to say thanks and new places to be thankful, we're thankful for all that we have. Which, for us, starts at home.

This post, "Being Thankful Really Hits Home" originally appeared on the M/I Homes Blog.